WE ARE a human filter.
Always on the search for new talents, We pick out the diamonds on instagram. With selecting works for the magazine we are working with a very unique Filter Principle that extracts the essence of mobile photography online.
submit your photos to #thesmartview on instagram.
Get discovered and featured on Instagram!
Our General hashtag is Running year-long. It is source for our daily story and account features. You can submit to this hashtag by adding #thesmartview in your captions on Instagram. Please do a selection of images and use the hashtag only on the images you really you want to submit.
Submission GuidelineS:
No watermarks
preferably shot or edited on mobile phone
Enable Story sharing in your account settings
your IG account needs to be a public account (Private accounts don’t allow us to share your images)
No Album Posts with different edits (e.g. One B&w and one color)
Please select your images before submitting
If you have any question regarding your Submissions on Instagram, please don’t hesitate to get in contact on INSTAGRAM DIRECT MESSAGES.
A SELECTion of 10 ARTISTS featured in one Gallery POST.

Book Monday
Book: Prism Interiors by Piero Percoco
You've published a photo book or you want to present a dummy? This is the right way to submit for you. With our Book Monday FEatures we promote photo books from all over the world on our IG Stories. You can submit your photo book by filling out a submission form and sending us a physical copy.
Submission Guidelines:
Fill out this Submission Form
send a physical copy to:
Wielandstrasse 55
22089 Hamburg
GermanyPhysical Copies cannot be returned but will be safely stored in our library
if you have a small edition and cannot spare a copy use our image/video Upload function (Please include 10 files including a video of flipping the pages)

Photo: John Bozinov, @johnbozinov
featured in THE SMART VIEW “Reflections on mobile photography”
Call for entries
submit to our next print publication or exhibition.
Currently there are no new call for entries upcoming.
for our call for entries We usually create special hashtags. These can be calls for our print Publications, exhibitions or festival screenings. These hashtags usually have a submission limit. Inform yourself on our account or by subscribing to our newsletter about the submission guidelines.

“Mobile photography is another step into the future and an evolution we should not and cannot ignore. Aside from the mass image production nowadays, the mobile phone camera helped to democratize the access to photography. Thus, photography has transformed into a cultural possession that no longer gathers dust in family photo albums. One thing I experienced while working on the magazine is that even if boundaries between the amateur and the professional become blurred and mobile photography continues to be discredited for its supposed low quality, technical specifications are not what determine great photography. The important thing is and will always be the message an image mediates to the viewer, regardless of its origin or the device being used.”
- Rosa Roth -