The magazine for a new generation of photographers
THE SMART VIEW is an independent print and online magazine celebrating mobile photography. Founded back in 2014, it features and supports emerging mobile photographers from around the world, providing them with a platform to share, publish, and exhibit their work.

We are a human filter.
Our journey starts on Instagram
We are hashtag curators.
Our general hashtag contains over 200,000 images and is THE main source for OUR IMAGE CURATION. HERE, WE discover and SELECT IMAGES FROM OUR COMMUNITY on A DAILY BASIS.
Follow us on Instagram to stay updated about the newest features

The mobile phone is paving the way for unprecedented opportunities in photography allowing complete freedom to capture beautiful and magical moments anytime anywhere.
- Ludovic Broquereau
Our Print Editions
Finely curated through open call for submissions and printed Offset in berlin.
Our print copies are the essence of our online curation.
Our themed photo zine editions come out bi-monthly and feature emerging talents from all over the world.
The Power of Mobile photography
We are hashtag creators.
As part of the mobile photography conference "Smart as Photography" by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie e.V (German Association For PhotographY) in 2016, we spontaneously created #smartasphotography and called up mobile photographers Around the world to submit their best Images for a conference screening.

It’s not about the camera but the images we create.
— Primoz Zorko
FROM ONLINE TO OFFLINe, NICE to touch and filled with amazing content.
FROM the hashtag to THE gallery
smart as photography-be an artist today! - 2019, Gallery Zephyr Mannheim, Germany
hashtags: #TSVxzephyr, #smartasphotography
CONTENT: 2000 images
Selected: 160 IMAGES from 85 artists
Support indie publishing.
THE SMART VIEW IS A Community-funded independent project. Our indie Spirit is strong but not invincible. To keep the magazine running and to take our readers on an ad-free journey, we need your support.